Royal 1 Yarn by Illimani is spun from 'Royal' Alpaca fibre. That means that only fibres finer than 18.5-19.5 microns are used- that's just 1% of the world's Alpaca fibre harvest!
The finer the fibre, the softer the yarn, and Royal 1 is simply sumptuous. It is as soft as yarn spun from cashmere fibre- perfect for wearing close to your skin. Imagine an elegant and warm scarf, a trendy snood or that fabulous sweater- Alpaca fibre is hardy and durable, you will be able to enjoy your creation for years to come.
These yarns have great solid colour saturation. Available in 10 wintery shades, you will be able to create a garment for every occasion, where elegant and chic are the names of the game!
The yarn is loosely plied from 4 strands, which makes it light. Each strand is smooth, which makes it seem even softer.
Royal 1 is shown knitted in Classic Snood by Erika Kight.
Yarn Weight: Worsted Weight
Yarn Length: 200 meters
Unit Weight: 100g
Needle size: 5 mm
Gauge: 4 to 6 stitches 10 cm
Fibres: 100% Royal Alpaca
Care: Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry. Do not iron.