Learning to embrace my craft
Being in the presence of beautiful yarn and having access to very creative people is always very inspiring. And I am very blessed to have both!
What I have found is that having all these beautiful projects around me, hearing about them in our craft sessions, and reading about new pattern releases, can be daunting. I want to do ALL the projects… And the sad truth is that I don’t have infinite time available. I am very sure you can relate!
So, what to do with the time I have available? Well, first off: life is too short to work on a WIP that lost its sparkle. Frogging work to reclaim yarn is always a good strategy.
The other thing I (re-)learned was to be true to myself. Yes, I can knit. But. I love the action and process a lot more with crochet. There are as many beautiful patterns as I possibly have time for in crocheting than in knitting. It is okay for me to not knit. It is okay for me to prefer crochet. It is equally okay for you to love a different craft. Is that not the purpose of yarn and fibre arts – to create joy?
With that in my mind, I have a long list of beautiful projects I am busy lining up for myself. I also frogged my Stephen West MKAL 2024. That wasn’t too heartbreaking as I only did the 3 half-circles. I’m contemplating if I should frog a project that is on the needles from March 2023. I could be very sentimental about that one as it is the reason why I am now the proud owner of The Yarn Room. So maybe the jury is still out. (However, writing this, makes me really think again about the yarn that I could reuse, maybe there is a perfect crochet project out there for that yarn.)
Tell me, are you allowing yourself to get the maximum joy out of your craft?